Environmental Coordination
TACP has over 35 years’ experience in environmental co-ordination for a range of projects covering complex infrastructure schemes, residential, commercial and a range of renewable energy developments including wind, solar and biomass throughout England and Wales.
Our portfolio of environmental coordination covers:
The preparation of early stages of infrastructure appraisal to include Transport Analysis (WebTAG and WelTAG);
Environmental Impact Assessment;
Planning documentation;
Presenting environmental evidence at public inquiries;
Preparation and implementation of Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), method statements and associated documents;
Maintenance management plans; handover management plans and actions plans.
Our environmental coordinators manage the inputs from in-house and external environmental specialists to include; air quality, climate change, noise and vibration, cultural heritage and archaeology, the water environment, landscape, nature conservation and ecology, health and non-motorised users such as pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. They also co-ordinate relevant inputs from designers, engineers, transportation planners, environmental clerk of works, contractors and other specialists such as lighting designers, overshadowing experts etc as appropriate.
An important role of our environmental coordinators is consultation with, and management of, statutory bodies such as Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Environment Agency, Cadw, Historic England, archaeological curators and local authorities. We value our strong pragmatic relationships with the statutory bodies built up over many years and through the successful delivery of projects.
We have a thorough knowledge and understanding of environmental legislation and policy; practical implementation of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), British Standards, euro codes and other relevant guidance and best practice. This is supported by our inputs into the preparation of national and local policy to include the preparation of local authority supplementary planning guidance, the Soft Estate section of the Trunk Road Maintenance Manual; review and input into the DMRB assessments chapters and Interim Advice Notes.