TACP(UK)Ltd is committed to data protection and data privacy. With the GeneralData Protection Regulation (GDPR) which became enforceable on 25 May 2018,TACP(UK)Ltd undertook a GDPR readiness programme to review the entire business,the way data is handled and the way in which it is used to provide the services andto manage business operations.
Business Objectives and Targets
A review and analysis of the business operations at the end of 2023 was undertaken to include the following:
▪ Repeat business
▪ New clients
▪ Sector work won
▪ Social value
▪ Income and profit per sector
▪ Staff skills and interests
▪ Utility bills
▪ Risks
From this review the following business objectives and tagets were agreed for 2024:
a) Success in 25% of all tender outcomes
b) Success in at least 1 project in the landscape management sector
c) Success in at least 5 projects in the arboriculture sector
d) Work with 8 new clients (actual projects)
e) Achieve 60% of actual projects as repeat business
f) Achieve a no complaints situation
g) Achieve a no claims situation
h) Ensure no commissions are cancelled due to TACP performance
i. Achieve overall profit target on at least 75% of completed projects
j) Maintain 2023 electricity usage
k) Maintain 2023 water usage
l) Develop baseline waste volume
m) Reduce carbon footprint of staff travel to office by 8% from 2023 levels
n) Achieve 70% of project environmental targets for 70% of projects
o) Achieve 5 out of 7 company social value targets
p) Ensure staff loss of no greater than 15% of permanent staff
q) Staff satisfaction measure to be no less than 85%
r) To have no more than 5 IMS non-conformities and 50 observations for internal file audits (Originally set as QEMS performance so has been updated to reflect the new integrated system.)
s) To have no RIDDOR reportable accidents
TACP has a goal of providing a high quality comprehensive and integrated consultancy service dealing with the environmental aspects of the built and natural environment. There is a system in place so it can be ensured the goal is communicated throughout the Company with the achievement of the goal underpinned by the business objectives. TACP encourages the enhancement of the environment by dedication to good design.
TACP is committed to the Waste and Recycling Action Programme (WRAP) approach.
TACP believes that proper consideration of the environmental effect and occupational health and safety implications of its activities is of prime importance, both in meeting prescribed legislation and in its general concern for the protection of the environment, its employees, sub-consultants and any other person who may be affected by our activities. In support of this belief, TACP has a commitment to regularly evaluate the environmental impact of our activities, products and services and we will take action to continually improve our environmental performance by:-
In its own in-house working practices:
▪ To consider any adverse effect of such practices on the environment and to take all reasonable steps as may be necessary to eliminate or reduce any such effect;
▪ To ensure that all activities adhere to the Welsh Government Sustainability policies;
▪ To measure the Company’s carbon footprint and implement methods to reduce it wherever possible;
▪ To minimise the use of energy, water and natural resources and also waste through prevention, re-use and recycling where possible;
▪ To dispose of waste safely and legally;
▪ To avoid the use of hazardous materials, where practical;
▪ To work with environmentally responsible suppliers; and
▪ To prevent environmental damage and minimise nuisance factors such as noise and air pollution.
In the services provided to Clients:
▪ To consider relevant national and local sustainability legislation, policies, strategies and action plans. During the design and implementation of projects TACP employees will aim to encourage clients and other designers to minimise environmental impact to include energy and carbon emissions;
▪ Design and construction activities will take into consideration the whole life costs of goods and services and local provenance will be specified wherever practicable;
▪ To take all reasonable steps to eliminate or minimise the environmental effect, giving due consideration to the Client’s requirements and his environmental responsibilities and policies;
▪ To seek to ensure that clients meet the objectives of legislation, policies, strategies and appropriate action plans; and
▪ The expertise offered by TACP is based upon reliability and innovation. The Leadership Team and employees are committed to a comprehensive professional service which meet the agreed needs of our clients at all times.
We are committed to providing relevant environmental training and promoting environmental awareness to employees and, where appropriate, to suppliers and to communicating our environmental performance.
We will implement processes to prevent environmental non-conformities and to ensure that we are prepared to deal with potential environmental emergencies.
Health and Safety
TACP will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the occupational health, safety and welfare of all employees working for the Company and other people who may be employed by the Company or be affected by its operations. This policyprovides a commitment and intent to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all other legislation and guidance concerning occupational health and safety. Occupational Heath and Safety is integral to the TACP Integrated Management System (IMS).
TACP acknowledges that the key to successful occupational health and safety management requires an effective policy, organisation and arrangements, which reflect the commitment of senior management. To maintain that commitment, TACP will continually measure, monitor, improve and revise where necessary, the activities and procedures of the company to ensure that health and safety standards are adequately maintained.
The Health and Safety Representative supports the implementation of TACP’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy and will recommend any changes to meet new circumstances. TACP recognises that successful occupational health and safety management contributes to successful business performance and will allocate adequate finances and resources to meet these needs.
TACP aims to protect everyone, including visitors and members of the public, insofar as they come into contact with TACP activities, from any foreseeable hazard or danger. The TACP Leadership Team (LT) will do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property.
TACP recognises that continued commitment to consultation and opportunity for participation with staff is fundemental in ensuring that the IMS is implemented to take into account all viewpoints and recommendations from staff. Staff Liaison Meetings and Business Review Meetings are held with all staff, and staff are encouraged to make Health and Safety recommendations to the Health and Safety Representative or the LT.
All employees have duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and are informed of their personal responsibilities to take due care of the health and safety of themselves and to ensure that they do not endanger other persons by their acts or omissions. Employees are also informed that they must co-operate with the Business in order that it can comply with the legal requirements placed upon it and in the implementation of this policy.
TACP will support anyone working for, or on behalf of TACP, to stop work if they believe that they are being asked to carry out a task that will endanger them or others. TACP will investigate the concerns and ensure that additional controls are in place, working with third parties as required, to reduce the risk of any hazards associated with the activity.
The TACP Occupational Health & Safety Handbook provides TACP staff with the occupational health and safety knowledge to undertake their role and to fulfil the requirements of the TACP IMS. Employee responsibilities with regards to occupational health and safety are outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Handbook.
TACP will ensure a systematic approach to identifying hazards, assessing the risks, determining suitable and sufficient control measures and informing employees of the correct procedures needed to maintain a safe working environment. We will provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe places and systems of work, safe plant and machinery, safe handling of materials and substances, the provision of adequate safety equipment and ensure that appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision is given.
TACP has developed a system for monitoring client needs and satisfaction and we are committed to meeting client requirements and continual Company improvement in terms of quality the environment and occupational health and safety.
Jo Wall
Date: 23rd October 2024