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Landscape Heritage

Our assessment and design service in relation to Landscape Heritage recognises the inherent historic value, significance and context of features as well as contemporary functions

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For registered parks, gardens and landscapes we consider the specific character, qualifying features, defined views, historic phases and social context.  This informs assessments of condition and value, and of the impacts of any proposed developments.

A thorough understanding of landscape heritage also allows sympathetic restoration and conservation, with appropriate materials, plant selection, design style and features.  This has been reflected in the development of Conservation Management Plans.

Our landscape design service as applied to heritage assets combines a practical understanding of construction, durability and maintenance with the use of historically appropriate materials and plants.  We also appreciate the application of contemporary design components within a historic context, particularly with respect to legibility and interpretation.
This approach has been applied to numerous schemes to successfully secure Heritage Lottery Funding, and through to effective delivery.  We have also provided ecology survey, assessment and mitigation services in combination with conservation and management strategies.

The range of heritage landscapes in which we have been involved include 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century gardens and parklands, industrial heritage including coal, copper and steelworks, military features from the Napoleonic era to WWII, numerous Welsh castles, and other diverse features such as TB hospitals, bridges and aqueducts, World Heritage sites and Scheduled Ancient Monuments.

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